Monday, March 3, 2014

Advantages of Using Quality Monitoring Tools

Quality monitoring is crucial because it allows call centers to take measures necessary to improve customer satisfaction.
What is meant by quality monitoring?
To put it simply, quality monitoring involves listening to an agent's phone calls with the objective of determining if those calls meet the required quality standards.
Quality can be measured in two ways. Supervisors can measure the performance of agents on their own using some predetermined quality attributes. Supervisors can also contact the customers for their feedback either through e-mail or an IVR system.
Quality monitoring tools simplify this analysis by recording and storing agent conversations and then scoring them appropriately. New quality monitoring tools also monitor customer voice through feedback techniques and track workflow.
How it works
Conventional quality monitoring includes reviewing some random calls and then analyzing them for general quality. This way most companies can only monitor less than one percent of calls.
However, modern quality monitoring solutions offer advanced features such as speech analytics, call recording, and performance management. They provide a simple user interface that allows supervisors to monitor all aspects of the calls. More advanced quality monitoring tools also consider aspects such as repeat calls, first call resolution, and failed/successful cross sell /up-sell attempts.
Advantages of using quality monitoring tools
The objective of quality monitoring should be achieving a link between business results and quality measures. Effective quality monitoring programs are known to result in increased sales. Using quality monitoring, supervisors can give feedback to agents and that will improve the rate of first call resolutions.
Call centers that use an advanced quality monitoring software tool also see a 50 percent improvement in the efficiency of team leaders because these tools eliminate the need to manually pick random calls from tape. This frees up the time of supervisors.
The objective of quality monitoring is achieving performance improvement. When organizations use quality monitoring programs, they can reap many benefits. As call quality increases, sales conversion rates too will increase. This leads to improved client retention. Agents also enjoy working in more efficiently managed environments and hence failure rates will drop.
As you can see, quality monitoring tools benefit the call center in many ways. Since call quality plays a significant role in determining customer satisfaction levels, this is an important metric that call centers cannot ignore. When buying quality monitoring tools, you ought to look for the following features.
Automatic call delivery
If the system supports automatic call delivery, supervisors will have more time to work on improving the performance of agents.
Contact management
Proper contact management will facilitate easy retrieval of stored interactions between agents and callers.
Contact recording
This allows organizations to record email, chat, and voice interactions with customers.
Data recording
This data allows the supervisor to know which desktop applications the agents use during interactions with customers.
Actionable learning
By closely analyzing quality monitoring scores, this tool can identify agents who need training in specific skills.
Performance evaluation
This includes customized reports, forms, and graphs that allow supervisors to measure the performance of an agent.
Comprehensive reporting
Comprehensive reporting allows contact center supervisors and managers to make informed decisions.
Speech analytics
Speech analytics examines customer interactions with the objective of identifying calls that meet specific business criteria.

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