Tuesday, February 4, 2014

How to Offer Superior Call Center Service

It always makes smart business sense to give high quality customer service, especially in tough times. We’ve listed some proven principles that you can use for improving your customer service quality.
Understand that customer expectations change
Your customers’ expectations are likely to rise and change over a period of time. What worked last year might not be good enough at present. Use interviews, focus groups, and customer surveys to figure out customer needs accurately. Try to understand their thoughts regarding what they feel they’re not getting from your business.
Use superior customer service quality to get an edge
Even though your products are great and your delivery systems efficient, it’s quite likely that your competitors’ offerings are great too. So how can you get an edge? Make a long lasting difference through personalized and responsive customer service quality. Customers should feel that you’re ready to go an extra mile for them and they’ll appreciate you for it - and not forget about it soon.

Improve customer service quality in a sustained manner
Try to go beyond basic service levels and pleasantly surprise customers with the interactions they wish for but don’t really expect. Generally determine your industry’s customer service quality and figure out how you can offer something better. Offer more options and flexibility than is normal. Try to be above average in terms of delivery speeds and product warranties.

Your customers will appreciate your high standards. Eventually, competitors will also match the steps. So keep up the pace and try to step up service quality in a sustained way.
Strike the right balance
Try to manage customer expectations in the best possible way. You need to strike a balance between their expectations and what you can deliver.
A great way to do so is by creating a good reputation. Make clear promises and deliver accordingly. Once you have your customers’ trust, even when you cannot service requests right away, they will be willing to be patient most of the time.
Make amends effectively
Things may go wrong sometimes. In such cases, try to quickly set things right and demonstrate high quality customer service. Display sincere concern for any inconvenience or frustration. Go a step ahead with something positive like a gift or a discount coupon for future use.
Treat complaining customers as business building aids
It’s a fact that customers having complaints can offer new insights to your business. They point out the faulty areas of your system and weak, problematic procedures. Through them, you know which of your products and services are below par.
They prove to be vital aids to building a strong business by highlighting areas in which your competitors score better or your staff is lacking. You can regard complainers as free consultants who help you raise your customer service quality!
Take responsibility
Blaming other members and departments for shortfalls does not help. No point blaming computers, the budget, or the system either. In fact, this makes things worse. The customer is not interested in your internal problems; he wants a solution to HIS problems. Just focus on ending your customer’s pain as soon as possible and make the required changes.

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